Fashion Bags
Browse our stylish bags & handbags on this page. Find practical day bags and elegant evening handbags here. Express your individuality with Signare’s bags. We offer large crossbody handbags, convertible bags, sling bags & hip bags. Or express yourself with a classic William Morris bag. Tapestry handbags are our specialty!
Our huge bag collection features Fashion Bags, Function Bags, Vanity Bags & Luggage Bags in a variety of styles and colours to suit your fashion needs. Whether you're looking for something for work or your time off, we have the bag for you. Our Function Bags are designed with functionality in mind, our stylish laptop/computer bags are great for keeping your belongings safe and protected when you are on the move. Or for fashion, The Bowler Bags, College Bags & Cross Body Bags blend style and practicality into a fantastic bag for your everyday travels.

Spring Lamb - Sling Bag

Robin - Sling Bag

Dachshund - Sling Bag

Jacobean Dream - Sling Bag

Poppy - Convertible Bag